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Grease and Oil Waste


Sewer back ups and over flows result in property and environmental damage. They are the most commonly caused by improper materials being discharged in the Town's sewer system.


Since oil and grease do not dissolve in water and tend to float on the surface, they build up, collect on the tops and sides of the sewer pipes and eventually cause a blockage and potentially a back up or over flow. 


Sanitary sewer systems are designed to handle and treat human waste, toilet paper and used water. By following simple guidelines, you can help the natural waterways, maintain sewer systems and reduce treatment cost.

You can do simple things that will help the Town protect water quality and maintain the sewer system in Trenton.


The following suggestions can also save you money!

Did you know...


Most sanitary sewer backups occur between your home and the Town's sewer main?




  • Pour grease, fats and oils from cooking down your drain

  • Use the toilet as a wastebasket

  • Use the sewer as a means to dispose of food and scraps




  • Collect grease in a container and dispose in the garbage

  • Put solid waste such as disposable diapers and person hygiene products in the wastebasket

  • Place food scraps in the garbage for disposal with solid waste

What NOT to flush!!


  • Paper towels

  • Pre-moistened wipes

  • Feminine products or applicators

  • Construction debris

  • Clothing and towels

  • Condoms

  • Cigarette Butts

  • Plastic bags

  • Bottle caps,

  • Paint

  • Flushable toilet scrubbers

  • Food, Grease and oil food and auto waxes

  • Diapers

  • Prescription drugs


When a blockage occurs in the Town's sewer main, the Town of Trenton will correct the problem.


Call Glenn Spivey at 252-448-2176 to report a sewer back up or overflow. After hours call 252-671-4443

Limb & Leaf
Monthly Pick up


The 2nd Saturday of every month the following items will be picked up for the Town of Trenton residents ONLY, if placed nesdie the street:


  • Bagged leaves

  • Limbs no longer than 36"

  • Bagged shrubbery clippings


PLEASE DO NOT put these items out until the weekend of pickup!!



By following the leaf and limb pick up guidelines you can help keep Trenton beautiful!


It is important to us to offer this service to the residents of TRENTON, however, we need everyone's cooperation to make it work.


Please be mindful of the look of our town. We ask that each home/business owner mow and clean your yards on regular schedule.


​Tel: 252-448-1784
Address​​​​​​: PO BOX 399

Trenton, NC 28585

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USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer

2022 Copyright Town of Trenton, NC


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